
Active McFarland: Exercising Democracy

A Vote for Bradley is a Vote for Walker

Ron Berger

This letter to the editor was published in the Wisconsin State Journal on Jan. 28, 2016.

On February 16, Wisconsin voters will have a chance to reject Rebecca Bradley as a candidate for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Over the past three years, Governor Walker has appointed Bradley to three court positions: the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, the District Court of Appeals, and most recently, the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Excuse me for being cynical, but I have to assume that Justice Bradley might be inclined to rule in favor of her benefactor if such a case came before her.

Additionally, it is worth noting that before being anointed to the judiciary, Bradley was in private practice, defending doctors in malpractice lawsuits and businesses in product liability lawsuits.

Bradley has also accumulated endorsements from 41 of the 72 county sheriffs in the state (39 of them Republican) and 13 county district attorneys (all Republican, with six appointed by the governor). Two appeals court judges have also endorsed their fellow gubernatorial appointee. Apparently loyalty runs deep at election time.

As for me, I am voting for an independent judiciary and am supporting Justice JoAnne Kloppenburg for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.


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